Almost all active grazing pastures, regardless of their topography and geographical location, can suffer from compaction when not rotated frequently and when a balanced flora growth is not maintained. Short-term solutions include both mechanical applications (aerating, sub-soiling, cultivating, and plowing) and chemical applications, which may become necessary for a quick “fix” especially when there is little to no slope for effective drainage and/or when the height of the cover crop is lower than 3”. [Invite John’s experience to assist your decision.]
When the rate of decomposition of roots and organic particles severely diminishes, the continuous impact of heavy weight from animals and machinery, combined with excessive water and gravity, effectively increases compaction to an impervious layer. Not only does that layer eventually block the passage of roots but also air and water. Whereas John can provide immediate short-term solutions, he suggests long-term solutions of aggressive, sub-surface drainage systems (if slope is available) combined with frequent rotational grazing.
An effective, properly installed, sub-surface drainage system basically frees the landowner from remaining victim to Mother Nature’s whims. Within hours after torrential rain falls, similar to golf courses, a well-drained pasture/field can be worked mechanically. Moreover, good drainage, in connection with good ph balances, contributes to continued growth of micro-organisms, organics, and worms for fast decomposition – all natural combatants of compaction.
John installs two types of pre-fabricated, aggressive drainage systems for high concentrated volumes and/or low volumes over large areas of both lawns and pastures/fields. Surface drainage ditches/swales easily can be combined with sub-surface systems. Each pasture usually requires its own tailored solution.
John provides both free evaluation and a written cost proposal for your drainage projects.